Thursday, June 19, 2008

Shia LaBeouf Is Really Fucked!

Insane! Shia LaBeouf is so damn fucked! I really hope he's prepared for all kind of shit is coming about him. Every single slide, on the past and present-day, will become something "Uh". Just because he's on the top now.

The guy doesn't deserve this. He's just a kid who's doing your job for a long time and for worth is having sucess. I cheer on him. But I think he needs counselling. Maybe somebody to keep him out of trouble, like drink and drugs and focused. It will be a waste to lose him for those "celebrity things".

He seems to be smart, but we don't know what goes on his heart and soul. Do we? Grow up in front of cameras, being watched almost all the time? I WANT to believe he's gonna be OK.

His talent is undeniable, is natural. He's funny, charming, sexy...


Don't stop smoking. Of the lesser evil...